Linda Larcombe PhD
Senior Archaeologist
Linda Larcombe is a broadly trained archaeologist and anthropologist whose research interests include archaeology, molecular anthropology, infectious diseases in contemporary and ancient human populations and cultural resource management. She has worked as a researcher and a consultant specializing in the prehistory and history of Arctic and subarctic Aboriginal Canadian populations. Linda received her PhD in anthropology from the University of Manitoba in 2005. Her research focused on the analysis of the immunogenetics of contemporary and ancient Aboriginal populations in the context of the changes that occurred in the disease environment in North America during the historic period. Currently, Linda works closely with First Nation’s groups on community-based research projects involving archaeological investigations and research into genetic and environmental factors contributing infectious disease outbreaks in northern Canadian communities. In additional to being the Senior Archaeologist with White Spruce Archaeology, Linda is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Internal Medicine, Medical Microbiology, Community Health Sciences and is Adjunct with the Department of Anthropology at the University of Manitoba.