
We can help you through the HRIA Process

White Spruce Archaeology Inc. makes sure our clients are in full compliance with all government regulations and guidelines.

WSA Landowner Brochure
  • Do you require a Heritage Resource Impact Assessment (HRIA)?
  • Did you receive a letter from the Archaeological Assessment Services Unit (AASU)?
  • Are there concerns with the current proposed plan?


  • Apply to the Manitoba Heritage Resources Branch (HRB) for the necessary Heritage Permit to conduct an HRIA
  • Work with HRB to identify best practices for the HRIA
  • Request known archaeological site data from HRB
  • Review available literature and maps about the area, examine current study area conditions to assist in the identification of heritage potential
  • Conduct a review and summarize what is known about the archaeology, history, and prehistory of the study area.
  • Conduct archaeological field work with qualified archaeologists
  • Document the area of pedestrian survey using the tracking function on a GPS
  • Record the location of all excavated test pits using a GPS
  • Document the types of soils found in test pits in notes, sketches and/or photographs
  • Write a full report and make recommendations about the area regarding its archaeological potential to satisfy the requirements established by HRB